Impresa Dott. Geol. LUCA BARLETTI

esplosivistica civile e mineraria, geologia

Via Provinciale, 21

50037 San Piero a Sieve


Tel. 055 84 82 97 – 329 06 61 291

Partita I.V.A.: 05 16 64 60 484


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Geologia ed esplosivistica unite al servizio dell’uomo e della natura.


Dott. Geol. Luca Barletti


Short history of the Company

The Barletti Company was founded in 2001 by manager Dr. Geol. Luca Barletti with the aim to give services for private and Public Organizations in the field of geology and explosives engineering. He has been having the chance to deal with several and delicate explosive works in strongly urbanized areas (ex. tunnelling “Vaglia Sud” Florence suburb) besides in extremely precise explosive demolition, fields where he got a great theoretical and practical experience; as well as for quarry, tunnel and landslide

In the years the company was able to increase also its external staff not only among the colleagues of the sector (geologists and engineers), but also in the sectors of electronic and telecommunications, the whole connected to the research and development of explosive engineering and geology.


A short description about our manager: the geologist and explosivist Luca Barletti

The Dr. Geology Luca Barletti was born in Florence on the 14th november 1977 but since he was born he had been living in Mugello, the countryside near Florence, in San Piero a Sieve, situated at about 25 km from the administrative centre of Tuscany. During his childhood he already started showing interest towards the mining and blasting field and all that because of his great and innate passion for geological sciences and research, collection and study of minerals.


The 13th July 2001 he got his degree in geological sciences with the mark of 110 on 110 at the Faculty of Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences at the University of Florence; the title of his dissertation was: “the crystal structure of leightonite”.
Since always dedicated and skilled in the several uses of the explosives for civil and mining workings and about the utilizations in the activities of Civil Defence; with this one he has collaborated and has been teacher in their masters of specialization. He cooperates for other geological materials and explosivit with the local police.
Explosive geologist provider of all the necessary authorizations requested by the Italian state (ex. “fochino”). As time went by he was able to execute many interventions of varied nature (quarries, mines, tunnels, demolitions, pyrotechnics, etc.) and doing this he managed to deepen his practical and theoretical knowledge.
Specialized ADR for the road transport of explosives (class 1 ADR)



Our manager during the research in the ancient Tuscan mines and caves


Prospecting in ancient mine


Prospecting in ancient mine


risalita di un fornello di gettito


Research into Montorsi's cave-mine (Campiglia - Livorno)